Asset Management Articles

The (oh so worth it) cost of risk management
Communication is key to project success – make it work for you
The Value of a Feasibility Assessment and Supporting Business Case

Our Expertise

Asset Management

Australia’s leading asset management consultancy firm, AMREP is headed by one of Australia’s most experienced and qualified asset management and risk engineering professionals. We focus on objective, lawful and safe outcomes that add measurable value to all assets.

Risk Engineering

AMREP’s utilises risk, systems and discipline engineering skill sets to create meaningful asset management improvement.
Our methodology and techniques ensure our team can provide meaningful value and better manage asset performance risk.

Project Consultancy

AMREP’s Asset Management Project consultancy delivers change on behalf of organisations including physical asset change, process change, organisational change and structural change. Our process ensures that identified improvement opportunities are delivered on our client’s behalf.

Your Assets, Our Expertise, Your Success.

PO Box 431 Kenmore Qld 4069

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Contact our team today for a confidential discussion on how we can deliver improved project processes.